爱尔兰领导人担心特朗普的连任可能会通过税收和关税的变化损害他们的经济。 Irish leaders worry Trump's re-election may harm their economy through tax and tariff changes.
爱尔兰领导人对唐纳德·特朗普连任的经济影响表示担忧。 Ireland's leaders express concern over the economic implications of Donald Trump's re-election. 他的“美国优先”政策可能会导致降低公司税率和关税,从而可能阻止外国直接投资并影响爱尔兰的出口。 His "America First" policies could lead to lower corporate tax rates and tariffs, potentially deterring foreign direct investment and impacting Irish exports. 虽然爱尔兰拥有多元化的经济,但人们对制药和技术等关键行业失业的担忧仍然存在。 While Ireland has a diverse economy, fears of job losses in key sectors like pharmaceuticals and technology persist. 领导人强调了在这些不确定性中保持强大的美国-爱尔兰贸易关系的重要性。 Leaders stress the importance of maintaining strong US-Ireland trade relations amid these uncertainties.