德国执政联盟崩溃,导致信任投票和可能的早期选举。 Germany's ruling coalition collapsed, prompting a confidence vote and potential early elections.
德国执政联盟已经崩溃,导致奥拉夫·舍尔茨总理解除财政部长克里斯蒂安·林德纳的职务,宣布1月15日进行信任投票。 Germany's ruling coalition has collapsed, leading Chancellor Olaf Scholz to dismiss Finance Minister Christian Lindner and announce a confidence vote for January 15. 此举可能会引发3月前的早期选举, 造成重大政治动荡及Scholz政府批准率低, This move could trigger early elections by March amid significant political unrest and low approval ratings for Scholz's government. 由社会民主党、绿党和自由民主党组成的联盟面临内部冲突,引发了这一紧急政治行动。 The coalition, comprising the Social Democrats, Green Party, and Free Democrats, has faced internal strife, prompting this urgent political action.