德国总理奥拉夫·舒尔茨面临信任投票,有可能导致2月23日早日举行选举。 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz faces a confidence vote, potentially leading to an early election on Feb. 23.
德国总理奥拉夫·舍尔茨定于星期一在议会面临信任投票,很可能导致在2月23日早日举行选举。 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is set to face a confidence vote in parliament on Monday, likely leading to an early election on February 23. Scholz的联合政府上个月在经济分歧中解散, 社会民主党和绿党没有占多数。 Scholz's coalition government dissolved last month amid economic disagreements, leaving his Social Democrats and the Greens without a majority. 如果信任投票失败,Frank-Walter Steinmeier总统将解散联邦议院,启动选举。 If the confidence vote fails, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will dissolve the Bundestag, triggering the election. 反对派的Friedrich Merz目前在民意调查中领先。 The opposition's Friedrich Merz is currently leading in opinion polls.