德国官方在联合政府退出党的计划泄露后辞职。 German official resigns amid leaked plans for party exit from coalition government.
德国自由民主党的一名高级官员Bijan Djir-Sarai在一份泄露的文件显示该党计划退出奥拉夫·肖尔兹总理的联合政府后辞职。 A senior official in Germany's Free Democrats party, Bijan Djir-Sarai, resigned after a leaked document showed plans for the party's exit from Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition government. 该文件题为“D-D日进程设想和措施”,详细介绍了离开政府的步骤,引发了争议。 The document, titled "D-Day process scenario and measures," detailed steps for leaving the government, sparking controversy. 11月,Scholz解雇了该党领导人担任财政部长,导致该党退出联盟,离开Scholz,没有获得议会多数。 Scholz fired the party's leader as finance minister in November, leading the party to quit the coalition and leaving Scholz without a parliamentary majority. 计划于12月16日举行信任投票,可能会导致2月23日的选举。 A confidence vote is planned for December 16, likely leading to an election on February 23.