在Turingia, 德国,一个三党联盟 胜过极右AfD, 选出Mario Voigt为总理。 In Thuringia, Germany, a three-party coalition outvoted the far-right AfD, electing Mario Voigt as premier.
在东德的图林根亚,三个政党组成了一个联盟,阻止极右的德国替代党(AfD)掌权,尽管AfD在9月赢得了最多选票。 In eastern Germany's Thuringia, three parties formed a coalition to block the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) from power, despite the AfD winning the most votes in September. 基督教民主党的Mario Voigt在联盟伙伴的支持下,以51票当选州总理。 Mario Voigt from the Christian Democrats was elected state premier with 51 votes, thanks to support from the coalition partners. 该联盟包括社会民主党和民粹主义者离开Sahra Wagenknecht联盟,旨在防止民主联盟执政。 The coalition includes the Social Democrats and the populist left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, aiming to prevent the AfD from governing. 这一举动可能会使德国的国家联合努力复杂化。 This move could complicate national coalition efforts in Germany.