新党退出了奥地利政府会谈,使联盟的形成复杂化。 Neos party withdraws from Austrian government talks, complicating coalition formation.
奥地利自由新党退出谈判后,组成新的三党政府的谈判已经崩溃。 Talks to form a new three-party government in Austria have collapsed after the liberal Neos party withdrew from negotiations. 总理卡尔·尼哈默(Karl Nehammer)试图在奥地利人民党、社会民主党和尼奥斯(Neos)之间建立一个联盟,但尼奥斯(Neos)领导人Beate Meinl-Reisinger(Beate Meinl-Reisinger)指出,基本改革缺乏进展是离开的理由。 Chancellor Karl Nehammer sought to create a coalition between his Austrian People's Party, the Social Democrats, and the Neos, but Neos leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger cited a lack of progress on fundamental reforms as the reason for leaving. 随着尼奥斯的撤出,两个主要政党现在在组建政府时面临不确定性,有可能考虑建立两党联盟或让绿党参与其中。 With the Neos' withdrawal, the two major parties now face uncertainty in forming a government, potentially considering a two-party coalition or involving the Greens.