英吉利海峡的超载移民船只倾覆造成一名婴儿死亡,65人获救。 Overloaded migrant boat capsizes in English Channel, killing a baby; 65 rescued.
2024年10月17日, 一艘超载移民船在法国威森特附近的英吉利海峡翻覆, On October 17, 2024, an overloaded migrant boat capsized in the English Channel near Wissant, France, resulting in the tragic death of a baby. 救援人员将65人从水中救出,发现婴儿昏迷不醒,后来宣布死亡。 Rescuers saved 65 individuals from the water, while the baby was found unconscious and later pronounced dead. 法国海事当局已开始对这一事件进行调查,这突显了移民在越来越多地试图抵达联合王国的情况下跨越国境的危险日益增加。 French maritime authorities have initiated an investigation into the incident, which underscores the rising dangers of migrant crossings amid increasing attempts to reach the UK.