2022年12月14日:从法国运送移民到英国的充气船发生结构故障,造成至少8人死亡. 14 Dec 2022: Inflatable boat carrying migrants from France to UK suffers structural failure, leading to at least 8 deaths.
海上事故调查部门 (MAIB) 发布了一份关于2022年12月14日致命事件的报告,该事件发生在一艘不适合和装备不良的充气船上,该船载有从法国前往英国的移民,在渡航期间发生结构故障. The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) published a report about the fatal incident on December 14, 2022, where an unsuitable and ill-equipped inflatable boat carrying migrants from France to the UK suffered structural failure during the crossing. 船只只有1.5米长,2.2米宽,只能通过移动电话发出警报。 The vessel, only 1.5 meters long and 2.2 meters wide, could only be alerted via mobile phones. 尽管进行了救援努力,但至少有8名移民死亡,在联合王国找到4具尸体,其他尸体在海上丢失。 Despite rescue efforts, at least eight migrants died, with four bodies recovered in the UK and others lost at sea. 居住者年龄在13至35岁之间,国籍各异,只能依靠手机发出警报。 The occupants, aged between 13 and 35 and of various nationalities, had to rely solely on their mobile phones to raise the alarm.