在基辅展示的Charred变压器突显了在1 000次袭击后重建乌克兰能源部门的50B美元成本。 Charred transformer displayed in Kyiv highlights $50B cost to rebuild Ukraine's energy sector after 1,000 attacks.
在基辅展示了一座受损的发电厂的一台燃烧式变压器,以突出显示由于俄罗斯的打击,乌克兰的能源系统遭到大规模破坏。 A charred transformer from a damaged power plant has been displayed in Kyiv to highlight the extensive destruction of Ukraine's energy system due to Russian strikes. 展览由非营利的DTEK和乌克兰能源部举办,提高了对能源工人面临的挑战的认识。 Organized by DTEK, a nonprofit, and Ukraine's Ministry of Energy, the exhibit raises awareness of the challenges faced by energy workers. 据报有1 000多起袭击事件,乌克兰依靠核能和欧盟进口。 With over 1,000 attacks reported, Ukraine relies on nuclear power and EU imports. 重建能源部门估计耗资500亿美元,因为国家要为严寒的冬季做好准备。 Rebuilding the energy sector is estimated to cost $50 billion, as the nation braces for a harsh winter.