俄国对乌克兰电网的攻击 使一半国家没有电, 冒着多年停电的危险。 Russia's attack on Ukraine's power grid left half the country without electricity, risking years of blackouts.
俄罗斯最近对乌克兰电力基础设施的攻击使该国50%的国土没有电力供应,可能造成长达三年的滚动停电。 Russia's recent attack on Ukraine's power infrastructure left 50% of the country without electricity, potentially causing rolling blackouts for up to three years. 俄罗斯部队还包围了Velyka Novosilka等主要城镇,这可以更容易地进入乌克兰中部。 Russian forces are also surrounding key towns like Velyka Novosilka, which could provide easier access to central Ukraine. 乌克兰官员担心这些城镇很快就会倒塌, 让俄罗斯对顿巴斯和东乌克兰拥有更大的控制权。 Ukrainian officials fear these towns may fall soon, giving Russia greater control over the Donbas and Eastern Ukraine. 尽管受到破坏,乌克兰能源工人仍恢复了8 400多名消费者的电力。 Despite the damage, Ukrainian energy workers have restored power to over 8,400 consumers.