联合国警告说,由于俄罗斯对能源基础设施的袭击,乌克兰面临严重困苦和流离失所。 UN warns of severe hardship and displacement in Ukraine due to Russian attacks on energy infrastructure.
联合国警告说,俄罗斯对乌克兰能源基础设施的持续攻击可能在今年冬天造成严重困苦和大规模流离失所。 The UN warns that continued Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure could lead to severe hardship and mass displacement this winter. 由于俄罗斯的罢工,乌克兰65%的能源生产因俄罗斯的罢工而离线,联合国和合作伙伴正在努力资助5亿美元的冬季应对计划,而该计划只有一半的资金到位。 With 65% of Ukraine's energy production offline due to Russian strikes, the UN and partners are struggling to fund a $500 million winter response plan, which is only halfway funded. 已有360多万人在国内流离失所,而且情况比去年更糟。 Over 3.6 million people are already internally displaced, and the situation is worse than last year.