美援署和 " 教育高于一切 " 基金会承诺5 000万美元,让100万阿富汗儿童入学,向塔利班施加教育压力。 USAID and Education Above All Foundation pledge $50M to enroll 100K Afghan children, pressure Taliban on education.
美援署和 " 全民教育高于一切 " 基金会签署了一项5 000万美元的改善阿富汗教育的协定,旨在招收10万名失学儿童,提供2 000份奖学金。 USAID and the Education Above All Foundation have signed a $50 million agreement to improve education in Afghanistan, aiming to enroll 100,000 out-of-school children and provide 2,000 scholarships. 伙伴关系还力求通过增加教育机会和提高教育质量来加强国家的教育部门。 The partnership also seeks to strengthen the country's education sector by enhancing access and quality of education. 这是由于国际上对塔利班施加压力,要求解除对妇女和女童教育的禁令。 This comes amid international pressure on the Taliban to lift the ban on women and girls' education.