巴基斯坦在三年内向阿富汗学生提供4 500个奖学金,重点是两性平等。 Pakistan offers 4,500 scholarships to Afghan students over three years, with a focus on gender equality.
巴基斯坦启动了一项新的奖学金方案,三年内向阿富汗学生提供4 500个全额资助的名额。 Pakistan has launched a new scholarship program offering 4,500 fully funded spots over three years to Afghan students. Allama Iqbal奖学金涉及医学、工程学和农业等不同层次的学术领域。 The Allama Iqbal Scholarships cover fields like medicine, engineering, and agriculture for various academic levels. 该方案为妇女保留33%的空位,以促进教育领域的两性平等。 The program reserves 33% of slots for women to promote gender equality in education. 该倡议旨在支持阿富汗学生并促进区域发展与合作。 This initiative aims to support Afghan students and foster regional development and cooperation.