中国8月的核心通货膨胀率高达三年之低, 引起人们对经济增长目标的担忧。 China's August core inflation rate hits three-year low, raising concerns for economic growth target.
中国核心通货膨胀率在8月跌至三年来的最低点,核心消费物价指数仅上升0.3%,消费物价指数总体上升0.6%。 China's core inflation rate fell to its lowest in over three years in August, with the core consumer price index rising just 0.3% and the overall CPI increasing 0.6%. 这种疲软的需求使人们对达到5%左右的年增长目标感到关切。 This weak demand raises concerns about meeting the annual growth target of around 5%. 持续的通货紧缩压力是显而易见的,特别是在电动车辆等部门。 Persistent deflationary pressures are evident, particularly in sectors like electric vehicles. 分析家们期望中国人民银行采取措施,刺激消费支出和支持经济。 Analysts expect the People's Bank of China to implement measures to stimulate consumer spending and support the economy.