中国的消费物价指数在2024年仅上升0.2%,表明在需求疲软的情况下持续出现通缩恐惧。 China's CPI rose just 0.2% in 2024, signaling persistent deflation fears amid weak demand.
中国的消费物价在2024年几乎没有上涨,消费物价指数(CPI)仅上升0.2%,远远低于3%的目标。 China's consumer prices barely increased in 2024, with the consumer price index (CPI) rising only 0.2%, far below the 3% target. 工厂价格连续27个月下跌,表明国内需求持续疲软,原因是就业无保障、住房市场下滑、高债务水平和美国的关税威胁。 Factory prices fell for the 27th consecutive month, indicating persistent weak domestic demand due to job insecurity, housing market downturns, high debt levels, and tariff threats from the US. 尽管北京的刺激努力,通缩恐惧依然存在,经济学家警告说,这些情况可能进一步抑制经济增长。 Despite Beijing's stimulus efforts, deflation fears persist, with economists warning that these conditions could dampen economic growth further.