8月,美国雇用人数略有改善,失业率自3月以来首次下降。 In August, US hiring improved slightly, and the unemployment rate fell for the first time since March.
8月份,美国雇用人员的情况比7月份略有改善,而失业率自3月份以来首次下降。 In August, U.S. hiring showed a modest improvement from July, while the unemployment rate fell for the first time since March. 这一数据表明,尽管有冷却迹象,但劳动力市场稳定,可能正在逐步恢复。 This data indicates a stable labor market that, despite signs of cooling, may be recovering gradually. 总体而言,虽然就业增长仍然缓慢,但雇用人数略有上升,失业人数减少,反映了就业条件的潜在稳定。 Overall, while job growth remains slow, the slight uptick in hiring and the decrease in unemployment reflect a potential steadiness in employment conditions.