在一次地中海沉船事件中,有17名移民获救,但有两名儿童死亡,还有两名失踪。 In a Mediterranean shipwreck, 17 migrants were rescued, but two children died, with two still missing.
在马耳他沿海的地中海沉船中,17名移民获救,但有两名儿童死亡。 In a Mediterranean shipwreck off the Maltese coast, 17 migrants were rescued, but two children died. 一架马耳他直升机疏散了一名孕妇和一名重伤男子,意大利的一艘海岸警卫舰接走了其余15名幸存者和两名儿童的尸体。 A Maltese helicopter evacuated a pregnant woman and a seriously injured man, while an Italian coastguard vessel picked up the remaining 15 survivors and the bodies of the two children. 最初船上有21人,但仍有两人失踪。 The boat initially had 21 people on board, leaving two still missing. 意大利通讯社ANSA早前报道说,15人获救,3人死亡,3人失踪。 Earlier reports by Italian news agency ANSA stated 15 rescued, three dead, and three missing.