日本发生强烈地震,已造成五人以上死亡。 More than five people have been killed by a powerful earthquake in Japan.
在日本,一场强烈地震已造成五人以上死亡,当地政府正在为另一场大地震做准备。 In Japan, a powerful earthquake has caused the deaths of more than five people, leading to local authorities preparing for another massive earthquake. 这场毁灭性的自然灾害是有记录以来最具破坏性的自然灾害之一,已导致超过 10 万人被迫撤离,一人下落不明。 This devastating natural disaster, one of the most destructive ever recorded, has left over 100,000 individuals forced to evacuate and one person unaccounted for. 在此期间,该国发生了各种不寻常的事件。 During this time, various unusual incidents have occurred in the country.