日本沿海发生一系列强烈地震,导致整个亚洲发布海啸警报。 A slew of strong earthquakes off the coast of Japan have caused tsunami alerts to be issued throughout Asia.
日本在一系列大地震后降低了海啸警报,但告诉沿海地区的居民不要返回家园,因为致命的海浪仍然可能到来。 Japan lowered its tsunami alert after a series of major earthquakes, but told residents of coastal areas not to return to their homes as deadly waves could still come. 最大的地震震级为7.6级,并引发火灾。 The largest quake had a magnitude of 7.6, and it started a fire. 日本地震引发海啸警报后,韩国江原道警告居民采取预防措施并疏散到地势较高的地方。 South Korea's Gangwon province warned residents to take precautions and evacuate to higher grounds after the earthquake in Japan triggered tsunami warnings. 三陟市建议居民搬到三层楼以上的地区。 The city of Samcheok advised residents to move to areas higher than a three-storey building.