日本地震造成 128 人死亡,大雪阻碍救援。 Snow hampers rescue and aid after Japan quakes kill 128.
造成至少 128 人死亡的强烈地震发生六天后,救援队正在努力向日本西部偏僻的小村庄运送物资。 Rescue teams are working to deliver supplies to isolated hamlets in western Japan six days after a powerful earthquake that killed at least 128 people. 石川县预计将出现大雪,目前仍有195人下落不明,560人受伤。 Heavy snowfall is expected in Ishikawa Prefecture, and 195 people are still unaccounted for and 560 injured. 余震仍在持续,影响到能登半岛。 Aftershocks have continued, affecting the Noto Peninsula.