在日本发生毁灭性地震一年后, 许多幸存者仍住在临时住房中, 担心未来会发生地震。 A year after a devastating quake in Japan, many survivors still live in temporary housing, fearing future quakes.
在日本新半岛发生7.5级巨震一年后, 近470人死亡, 许多幸存者, 包括83岁的Sueko Naka, 仍住在临时住所内。 A year after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's Noto Peninsula, killing nearly 470 people, many survivors, including 83-year-old Sueko Naka, continue to live in temporary housing. 这场灾难摧毁了6 000多座建筑物,损坏了100 000多座其他建筑物,使许多居民担心将来会发生地震。 The disaster destroyed over 6,000 buildings and damaged more than 100,000 others, leaving many residents fearing future quakes. 缓慢的重建以及更多的自然灾害导致许多人搬迁,加剧了日本人口减少的危机。 The slow reconstruction and additional natural disasters have led many to relocate, exacerbating Japan's depopulation crisis. 该区域人口去年下降了2 500人。 The region's population has dropped by 2,500 in the last year.