6.9级地震袭击日本九州,引发海啸警报,但没有核电站问题。 A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan's Kyushu, triggering tsunami alerts but no nuclear plant issues.
日本九州地区周一发生6.9级地震, 引发宫崎和高知省海啸警报。 A 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck Japan's Kyushu region on Monday, prompting tsunami advisories for Miyazaki and Kochi prefectures. 附近核电厂没有异常现象的报告。 No abnormalities were reported at nearby nuclear power plants. 日本气象局正在调查与以每100至150年一次大规模地震闻名的南开海峡的潜在联系。 The Japan Meteorological Agency is investigating the potential link to the Nankai Trough, known for massive earthquakes every 100-150 years. 虽然这次地震没有发出超大地震警告,但该机构警告说,一周内将发生另一起强烈地震。 While this quake did not warrant a megaquake warning, the agency warned of another strong earthquake within the week.