美联储主席杰罗姆鲍威尔在高利率和经济政策影响下面临国会。 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell faces Congress amid high rates, economic policy impacts.
美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)本周将在国会作证,由于失业率下降,人们对进一步降息的预期降低,并且需要评估白宫新政策的影响。 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell will testify before Congress this week, amid reduced expectations for further interest rate cuts due to falling unemployment and the need to assess the impact of new White House policies. 这可能导致长期的高借贷成本和抵押贷款利率。 This could lead to prolonged high borrowing costs and mortgage rates. 鲍威尔可能面临有关美联储独立性及其应对通胀和关税方法的质疑。 Powell may face questions about the Fed's independence and its approach to inflation and tariffs.