由于失业率低,美联储今年降低利率的可能性较小,这可能会提高借贷成本。 Fed less likely to cut rates this year due to low unemployment, potentially raising borrowing costs.
美联储今年不太可能降低利率, 因为失业率下降, 官员也想看看白宫的新政策将如何影响经济。 The Federal Reserve is less likely to cut interest rates this year as unemployment drops and officials want to see how new White House policies will affect the economy. 这可能导致更长时间的抵押贷款和借款成本升高。 This could lead to higher mortgage and borrowing costs for longer. 美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔将在国会作证,面对关税问题和其他使经济前景更加不确定的政策变化。 Fed Chair Jerome Powell will testify before Congress, facing questions about tariffs and other policy changes that add uncertainty to the economic outlook. 最近的就业增长和低失业率表明,需要的削减率要少一些。 Recent job growth and low unemployment suggest fewer rate cuts are needed.