中国在南中国海进行军事巡逻,因为与美国和菲律宾的紧张局势升级。 China conducts military patrol in South China Sea as tensions rise with US and Philippines.
根据南剧院指挥部的声明,中国军方在南中国海进行例行巡逻。 China's military conducted a routine patrol in the South China Sea, according to a statement from the Southern Theater Command. 其原因是该地区局势日益紧张,包括台湾附近有62架中国军用飞机和美国通过台湾海峡派遣舰船的报告。 This comes amid growing tensions in the region, including reports of 62 Chinese military aircraft near Taiwan and the US sending ships through the Taiwan Strait. 中国指责菲律宾采取破坏区域和平与稳定的行动。 China accused the Philippines of actions that undermine regional peace and stability.