中国警告菲律宾在南海的挑衅行为,并发誓维护领土完整。 China warns Philippines over provocative actions in South China Sea, vowing to safeguard territorial integrity.
中国警告菲律宾不要在南海采取挑衅行动,并发誓在争议海域发生事件后将维护其领土完整。 China warns Philippines against provocative actions in South China Sea, vowing to safeguard its territorial integrity after an incident in disputed waters. 国防部警告菲律宾停止任何可能导致冲突升级和侵犯的言论,并强调中方将坚定维护领土主权和海洋权益。 The defense ministry warns the Philippines to stop any remarks that may escalate conflicts and infringement, and emphasizes China's commitment to firmly protect its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.