中国报告说,2024年的结婚率很低,由于经济压力和高昂成本,结婚率下降了20.5%。 China reports record low marriages in 2024, down 20.5% due to economic pressures and high costs.
在2024年,中国的结婚率创下历史新低,610万对夫妇结了婚,比2023年下降了20.5%。 In 2024, China saw a record low in marriages, with 6.1 million couples tying the knot, marking a 20.5% drop from 2023. 这一下降是由于儿童保育和教育成本高、经济不稳定以及年轻毕业生就业市场充满挑战。 This decline is attributed to high costs of childcare and education, economic uncertainty, and a challenging job market for young graduates. 尽管政府努力通过财政奖励和大学的“爱教育”促进婚姻和生育, 中国人口连续第三年下降。 Despite government efforts to boost marriage and childbirth through financial incentives and "love education" in universities, China's population declined for the third year in a row. 离婚的数量也略有增加,超过260万。 The number of divorces also increased slightly to over 2.6 million. 这一趋势对该国老龄化人口和劳动力构成挑战。 This trend poses challenges for the country's aging population and workforce.