中国在出生率下降的同时,提供现金奖励以鼓励结婚和生育。 China offers cash incentives to encourage marriage and childbirth amid declining rates.
中国正在提供现金刺激和福利,以刺激其不断下降的婚姻和出生率。 China is offering cash incentives and benefits to boost its declining marriage and birth rates. 在山西省卢梁格,新婚夫妇领取1 500元(205美元),每个孩子的家庭领取额外津贴,第三个孩子最多可领取8 000元。 In Luliang, Shanxi province, newlyweds receive 1,500 yuan ($205), and families receive additional payments for each child, up to 8,000 yuan for a third child. 尽管有这些奖励,但专家说教育和儿童保育费用高,就业市场艰难,使年轻人不愿生孩子。 Despite these rewards, experts say high education and childcare costs, and a tough job market, are discouraging young people from having children.