2024年初,由于经济上的不确定性,中国的婚姻登记率下降了16.5%。 China's marriage registrations dropped by 16.5% in early 2024 due to economic uncertainty.
在2024年头九个月中,中国的婚姻登记下降了16.5%,总数为4.747亿,比上一年下降了943,000人。 In the first nine months of 2024, China's marriage registrations fell by 16.5%, totaling 4.747 million, a decline of 943,000 from the previous year. 这一下降归因于经济的不确定性和生活费用的上升,促使许多年轻夫妇推迟结婚。 This drop is attributed to economic uncertainty and rising living costs, prompting many young couples to postpone marriage. 对此,中国政府正采取措施鼓励结婚和生育,包括简化登记手续,使离婚更加困难。 In response, the Chinese government is enacting measures to encourage marriage and childbearing, including simplifying registration and making divorce harder.