Fannie Mae报告说,对住房的乐观情绪略有上升,但警告按揭利率可能会妨碍负担能力。 Fannie Mae reports slight rise in housing optimism but warns mortgage rates could hinder affordability.
1月,Fannie Mae报告说,住房市场乐观情绪略有改善,住房购买感指数上升到73.4。 Fannie Mae reported a slight improvement in housing market optimism in January, with the Home Purchase Sentiment Index rising to 73.4. 然而,消费者仍然对住房可负担性持悲观态度,预期房价、房租和抵押贷款利率会上涨。 However, consumers remain pessimistic about housing affordability, with expectations of rising home prices, rents, and mortgage rates. 尽管如此,住房所有权在许多领域仍被视为比租房更负担得起。 Despite this, homeownership is still seen as more affordable than renting in many areas. Fannie Mae预测,到年底按揭利率将达到6.5%左右,这继续妨碍支付能力和销售。 Fannie Mae predicts mortgage rates will end the year around 6.5%, continuing to hinder affordability and sales.