TJ Maxx因其他零售商受到关税打击而兴旺发达,利用其独特的库存模式提供大折扣。 TJ Maxx thrives as tariffs hit other retailers, leveraging its unique inventory model to offer big discounts.
TJ Maxx由于以折扣价格向设计师购买超额库存的商业模式而受益于目前的关税。 TJ Maxx is benefiting from the current tariffs due to its business model of buying excess inventory from designers at discounted prices. 与其他零售商不同,TJ Maxx避免对其大部分货物支付关税,因为这些货物进口时只征税一次。 Unlike other retailers, TJ Maxx avoids paying tariffs on most of its goods since they are only taxed once upon import. 作为企业为避免今后的关税而储存货物的企业,TJ Maxx可以利用剩余库存,为客户提供大量折扣。 As businesses stockpile goods to avoid future tariffs, TJ Maxx can capitalize on the surplus inventory, offering significant discounts to customers. 这一战略使TJ Maxx与其他零售商面临的成本不断上涨相比,处于良好的地位。 This strategy positions TJ Maxx well against the rising costs faced by other retailers.