美国玩具工业担心对中国进口的潜在关税可能会抬高价格和削减销售量。 US toy industry fears potential tariffs on Chinese imports could raise prices and slash sales.
正如当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)所提议, 美国玩具制造商担心对中国进口可能征收关税, US toymakers are worried about potential tariffs on Chinese imports, as proposed by President-elect Donald Trump, which could lead to price hikes and reduced sales. Basic Fun! Jay Foreman警告说这个行业处于“恐慌模式”, 担心60%的关税会让沃尔玛与目标等零售商的玩具更贵。 CEO of Basic Fun!, Jay Foreman, warns that the industry is in "panic mode," fearing a 60% tariff could make toys more expensive at retailers like Walmart and Target. 虽然一些公司考虑将生产转移到其他国家,但无法保证它们不会面临类似的关税。 While some companies consider moving production to other countries, there's no guarantee they won't face similar tariffs. 对公司和消费者而言,国内生产往往成本过高。 Domestic production is often too costly for companies and consumers.