科学家警告说,全球升温达到2摄氏度可能使一些地区对人类来说太热,到2070年影响三分之一的土地。 Scientists warn that reaching 2°C global warming could make areas too hot for humans, affecting a third of land by 2070.
科学家警告说,全球升温达到2摄氏度,可能使这个对人来说太热的地区增加三倍,相当于北美和南亚的美国人口规模所面临的最大风险,不安全的气温影响到年轻人的6%的土地,60岁以上人口的三分之一受到不安全的温度的影响。 Scientists warn that global warming reaching 2°C could triple the area too hot for humans, equivalent to the size of the U.S. People in North Africa and South Asia face the highest risk, with unsafe temperatures affecting 6% of land for younger adults and a third for those over 60. 1994年至2023年期间,不安全的热和湿度水平影响到年轻人的2%的土地,老年人的20%。 Between 1994 and 2023, unsafe heat and humidity levels affected 2% of land for younger people and 20% for older individuals. 该研究报告在《自然审查地球与环境》中发表,强调需要将升温限制在2°C以下,以避免致命后果。 The study, published in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, highlights the need to limit warming to below 2°C to avoid deadly consequences.