50 多位国际科学家报告称,2014 年至 2023 年间,人类活动导致的全球变暖将创历史新高,达 1.19°C,平均每十年增加 0.26°C 50+ international scientists report a record-high human-caused global warming increase of 1.19°C between 2014-2023, with a 0.26°C per decade
国际上 50 多位科学家进行的新研究显示,全球变暖正在达到创纪录的水平,人类活动将导致 2014 年至 2023 年间气温上升 1.19°C。 New research by over 50 international scientists reveals a rise in global warming at record levels, with human activities causing an increase of 1.19°C between 2014 and 2023. 由英国利兹大学牵头编写的第二份年度《全球气候变化指标》报告显示,人类造成的全球变暖正以每十年0.26℃的速度推进,这是有记录以来的最高速度。 The second annual Indicators of Global Climate Change report, led by the University of Leeds, UK, shows that global warming caused by humans is advancing at 0.26°C per decade, the highest rate since records began. 尽管气候变化速度迅速加快,但科学家并未发现除化石燃料燃烧增加外,人类活动导致的气候变化明显加速的证据。 Despite this rapid increase, scientists do not see evidence of significant acceleration in human-caused climate change beyond increased fossil fuel burning.