警方在悉尼犹太教堂附近发现了一辆装炸药的车队,被视为潜在的恐怖主义威胁。 Police discovered a caravan with explosives near a Sydney synagogue, treated as a potential terrorist threat.
1月19日在悉尼附近发现一辆装满炸药和犹太犹太犹太犹太犹太会堂定点笔记的面包车, 新南威尔士总理克里斯·明斯(Chris Minns)称这是一个“主要的潜在威胁”。 A caravan loaded with explosives and targeting notes for a Jewish synagogue was found near Sydney on January 19, described as a "major potential threat" by NSW Premier Chris Minns. 这一事件正被视为一种恐怖主义行为,来自各种警察部队和安全机构的100多名警官正在进行调查。 The incident is being treated as an act of terrorism, with over 100 officers from various police forces and security agencies investigating. 副警务专员David Hudson说,尽管安全风险尚未完全消除,但不存在持续的安全风险。 Deputy Police Commissioner David Hudson stated there is no ongoing safety risk, though the risk has not been entirely eliminated. 爆炸物从一个矿场被确定为Powergel,调查还在继续。 The explosives were identified as Powergel from a mining site, and the investigation continues.