Albanese总理因在悉尼发生的一起涉嫌反犹太炸弹爆炸事件推迟简报而遭到批评。 PM Albanese faced criticism over delayed briefings on a suspected anti-Semitic bomb plot in Sydney.
澳大利亚总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯因其对悉尼的反犹太炸弹阴谋的了解而面临严格审查. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese faced scrutiny over his knowledge of a suspected anti-Semitic bomb plot in Sydney. 反对党领袖Peter Dutton指控Albanese在发现一辆装有炸药的车队后被关在黑暗中数日。 Opposition Leader Peter Dutton accused Albanese of being kept in the dark for days, following the discovery of a caravan containing explosives. 1月19日向联邦官员通报了情况,但Albanese直到稍后才得到简报,对州和联邦警察之间的沟通提出了问题。 Federal officials were informed on January 19, but Albanese was not briefed until later, raising questions about the communication between state and federal police. 作为回应,政府计划对恐怖罪行和仇恨标志实行更严厉的惩罚。 In response, the government plans to introduce tougher penalties for terror offenses and hate symbols.