查谟共和国日活动地点的炸弹威胁在一夜搜查后被发现是一个骗局。 A bomb threat at Jammu's Republic Day venue was found to be a hoax after an overnight search.
在查谟共和国日会场通过电子邮件收到的炸弹威胁被证明是一个骗局。 A bomb threat received via email at Jammu's Republic Day venue turned out to be a hoax. 这个威胁是用化名“Dise Lish”发出的,促使炸弹处理小组彻夜搜查,但未发现爆炸物。 The threat, sent under the alias "Dise Lish," prompted a thorough overnight search by bomb disposal teams but no explosives were found. Manoj Sinha副总督和首席部长Omar Abdullah出席了这次活动。 Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah attended the event. 当局目前正在努力查明和逮捕对虚假警报负责的人。 Authorities are now working to identify and arrest those responsible for the false alarm.