澳大利亚当局调查了悉尼附近一辆装满爆炸物和反犹材料的大篷车。 Australian authorities investigate a caravan loaded with explosives and antisemitic materials near Sydney.
在悉尼附近发现了一辆装有爆炸物和反犹太主义材料的大篷车,促使警方展开恐怖主义调查。 A caravan containing explosives and antisemitic materials was discovered near Sydney, prompting a terrorism investigation. 新南威尔士州州长克里斯·明斯 (Chris Minns) 表示,在新南威尔士州警方、法新社、澳大利亚安全情报组织和其他机构的参与下,为该案分配了大量警方资源。 NSW Premier Chris Minns stated that massive police resources are assigned to the case, with involvement from NSW Police, AFP, ASIO, and other agencies. 警察副局长大卫·哈德森 (David Hudson) 证实,尽管已经逮捕了一些人,但对公众没有持续的安全风险。 Deputy Police Commissioner David Hudson confirmed no ongoing safety risk to the public, though some arrests have been made. 澳大利亚总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯(Anthony Albanese)谴责仇恨和极端主义。 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned hate and extremism. 这些被鉴定为 Powergel 的炸药是从采矿现场获得的。 The explosives, identified as Powergel, were obtained from a mining site. 案件仍在调查中。 The investigation is ongoing.