涉嫌纵火者袭击了墨尔本的Adass Israel犹太教堂,造成重大破坏和轻伤。 Suspected arsonists attacked Melbourne's Adass Israel synagogue, causing significant damage and minor injuries.
星期五清晨在墨尔本的Adass Israel犹太教堂发生了一起涉嫌纵火的袭击,造成重大破坏。 A suspected arson attack targeted the Adass Israel synagogue in Melbourne early Friday morning, causing significant damage. 据报道,两名蒙面人打破窗户,浇油,并在礼拜者进来时放火焚烧大楼。 Two masked individuals reportedly broke windows, poured fuel, and set the building ablaze while worshippers were inside. 大约60名消防员和17辆卡车对事件作出了反应,造成两人轻伤。 About 60 firefighters and 17 trucks responded to the incident, which caused minor injuries to two people. 总理Albanese谴责此行为为「反犹主义」, 当局正视此行为为定点攻击。 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned the act as "anti-Semitism," and authorities are treating it as a targeted attack. 警方正在审查录像,要求公众协助查明攻击者。 Police are reviewing footage and asking for public assistance in identifying the attackers.