美国司法部停止了民权司的所有案件,直到新的领导层得到确认。 U.S. Justice Department halts all Civil Rights Division cases until new leadership is confirmed.
根据《华盛顿邮报》,美国司法部命令其民权司停止Biden时代的所有诉讼,避免启动新案件。 The U.S. Justice Department has ordered its Civil Rights Division to halt all ongoing litigation from the Biden era and avoid starting new cases, according to The Washington Post. 这一暂停影响到该司执行反歧视法的能力,直到参议院确认该司的新领导人为止。 This pause, which affects the division's ability to enforce anti-discrimination laws, is in place until Senate confirms a new leader for the division. 冻结的持续时间不清楚。 The duration of the freeze is unclear.