一名联邦法官暂时阻止了特朗普冻结高达 3 万亿美元的联邦资金的计划。 A federal judge temporarily blocked Trump's plan to freeze up to $3 trillion in federal funding.
一名联邦法官暂时叫停了特朗普总统冻结高达 3 万亿美元的联邦资金的计划,该计划旨在审查和取消多元化计划等进步举措。 A federal judge temporarily halted President Trump's plan to freeze up to $3 trillion in federal funding, intended to review and remove progressive initiatives like diversity programs. 面临非营利组织和各州的法律挑战的冻结在实施前被阻止,维持目前的资金,直到 2 月 3 日进一步的法庭诉讼。 The freeze, faced legal challenges from nonprofits and states, was blocked just before implementation, maintaining current funding until further court proceedings on February 3. 特朗普政府认为,冻结是必要的,以便使支出与总统的优先事项保持一致,而批评者则声称它缺乏法律依据,可能会损害基本项目。 The Trump administration argued the freeze was needed to align spending with the president's priorities, while critics claimed it lacked legal basis and could harm essential programs.