密西西比州联邦法官暂时阻止拜登政府在医疗保健领域制定性别认同歧视规定。 Mississippi federal judge temporarily blocks Biden admin's gender identity discrimination rule in healthcare.
密西西比州一名联邦法官暂时阻止了拜登政府旨在防止医疗保健领域性别认同歧视的新规定。 A federal judge in Mississippi has temporarily blocked the Biden administration's new rule that aimed to prevent gender identity discrimination within healthcare. 该规则原定于周五开始生效,旨在将《平价医疗法案》的联邦性别歧视禁令扩大到跨性别者。 The rule, which was scheduled to begin on Friday, aimed to extend the Affordable Care Act's federal prohibition on sex discrimination to include transgender individuals. 然而,法官站在了 15 个共和党主导的州一边,这些州对该规则提起了诉讼,认为该规则超出了政府的权限。 However, the judge sided with 15 Republican-led states that had filed a lawsuit against the rule, arguing it exceeded the administration's authority. 此项裁决对拜登政府扩大反歧视保护的努力再次造成挫折。 This ruling is another setback to the Biden administration's efforts to expand anti-discrimination protections.