杰克·史密斯要求法庭暂停特朗普的机密文件案件 因为他担任总统 Jack Smith asks court to pause Trump's classified documents case due to his presidency.
特别法律顾问杰克·史密斯已要求第11巡回法院暂停对当选总统唐纳德·特朗普一案的上诉,该案涉及其Mar-a-Lago房产的机密文件处理不当。 Special Counsel Jack Smith has asked the 11th Circuit Court to pause the appeal in the case against President-elect Donald Trump regarding mishandling classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate. 这项请求是在特朗普赢得选举之后提出的,符合司法部禁止起诉现任总统的政策。 The request follows Trump's election win and aligns with Justice Department policy that prohibits prosecuting sitting presidents. Aileen Cannon法官于7月驳回了此案,裁定Smith的任命违宪。 The case was dismissed in July by Judge Aileen Cannon, who ruled Smith's appointment was unconstitutional. 检察官旨在重新评估案件,并在12月2日前提供最新情况。 Prosecutors aim to reassess the case and provide updates by December 2.