6PAC+联盟在巴拿马和利比里亚的支持下推动征收新的海运排放税,以应对气候变化。 The 6PAC+ Alliance, backed by Panama and Liberia, pushes a new maritime emissions levy to fight climate change.
由太平洋岛屿国家牵头的6PAC+联盟得到了主要航运国巴拿马和利比里亚的支持,支持海运业征收新的温室气体排放税。 The 6PAC+ Alliance, led by Pacific Island nations, has gained support from Panama and Liberia, major shipping nations, for a new greenhouse gas emissions levy in the maritime industry. 这项征税旨在减少排放量,提高零碳燃料的竞争力。 This levy aims to reduce emissions and make zero-carbon fuels more competitive. 该联盟强调公平的过渡,有利于所有国家,尤其是小国和发展中国家,符合全球气候目标。 The alliance emphasizes a fair transition that benefits all nations, particularly small and developing countries, aligning with global climate goals.