研究发现,优化抵达拥挤港口的船舶,可将排放量减少25%以上。 Optimizing ship arrivals at congested ports could cut emissions by up to 25%, study finds.
伦敦大学学院和马萨诸塞阿默斯特大学的一项新研究表明,考虑到诸如堵塞等因素,优化抵达港口的船舶,可将某些类型的船舶的航程排放量减少25%。 A new study by University College London and the University of Massachusetts Amherst shows that optimizing ship arrivals at ports, considering factors like congestion, could cut voyage emissions by up to 25% for some vessel types. 研究发现,集装箱船舶和干散装货船的平均排放节约约为10%,天然气承运人和油轮平均节约16%,化学油轮平均节约25%。 The research found average emissions savings of around 10% for container ships and dry bulkers, 16% for gas carriers and oil tankers, and 25% for chemical tankers. 船舶大约4-6%的时间在港口外停泊时等待停泊,这一数字由于大规模贸易激增和港口拥堵而上升。 Ships spend about 4-6% of their time waiting at anchor outside ports, a figure that rose due to post-pandemic trade surges and port congestion. 研究报告建议规章应考虑整个航程,以鼓励减少排放量。 The study suggests regulations should consider the entire voyage to encourage emission reductions.