航运领导人在香港举行会议,应对贸易挑战,争取到2050年实现净零排放。 Shipping leaders meet in Hong Kong to tackle trade challenges and aim for net-zero emissions by 2050.
国际海运公会在香港举行了一次首脑会议,讨论政治紧张和气候变化等海洋贸易挑战。 The International Chamber of Shipping held a summit in Hong Kong addressing maritime trade challenges like political tensions and climate change. 这次活动旨在建立抗御能力,并讨论了到2050年实现净零排放的目标。 The event aimed to build resilience and discussed goals for net-zero emissions by 2050. 香港力求在可持续航运中发挥领导作用,重点是绿色燃料和数字技术。 Hong Kong seeks to lead in sustainable shipping, focusing on green fuels and digital tech. 该市的港口效率很高,计划包括促进电子商务物流和开发绿色燃料加油设施。 The city's port ranks highly in efficiency, and plans include promoting e-commerce logistics and developing bunkering for green fuels.