有报道称特朗普的团队计划逐步提高关税以避免通货膨胀,市场飙升。 Markets soar as reports suggest Trump's team plans a gradual tariff hike to avoid inflation.
美国的期货和全球股票暴涨,而Bloomberg报告显示,特朗普即将上任的经济团队正在考虑逐步提高贸易关税,每月约2%至5%,以避免高通胀,但美元却疲软。 US futures and global stocks surged while the dollar weakened after a Bloomberg report indicated that Trump's incoming economic team is considering a gradual increase in trade tariffs, around 2% to 5% monthly, to avoid high inflation. 这种谨慎的做法使市场更加乐观,但不确定性依然存在,因为特朗普没有确认或否认这些报告。 This cautious approach has made markets more optimistic, though uncertainty remains as Trump has not confirmed or denied the reports. 市场也侧重于即将到来的美国通货膨胀数据和公司收入,以衡量经济健康状况。 Markets are also focused on upcoming US inflation data and corporate earnings to gauge economic health.