由于投资者预期特朗普将获胜,美国债券期货下跌,美元走强。 U.S. bond futures dropped, and the dollar strengthened as investors anticipated a Trump win.
由于投资者预期特朗普获胜,美国债券期货下跌,美元走强,增加了政治不确定性。 U.S. bond futures dropped & the dollar strengthened as investors anticipated a Trump win, adding political uncertainty. 由于日本休假,交易清淡。 Thin trading due to a holiday in Japan. 投资者预计特朗普的政策将推高通胀和债务,而关税和移民限制可能会导致价格和工资上涨。 Investors expect Trump's policies to raise inflation & debt, with tariffs & migration restrictions potentially increasing prices & wages.