爱尔兰的家庭保险费用不尽相同,Carloow每年约为500欧元,Roscommon每年高达800欧元。 Ireland's home insurance costs vary, with Carlow at about €500 and Roscommon up to €800 annually.
Peopl保险公司的一项研究表明,爱尔兰各地的家庭保险费用差别很大,Sligo、Leitrim和Roscommon是最昂贵的县,而Carlo、Waterford和Kilkenny的保险费率最低。 A study by Peopl Insurance shows that home insurance costs vary widely across Ireland, with Sligo, Leitrim, and Roscommon being the most expensive counties, while Carlow, Waterford, and Kilkenny have the lowest rates. 成本差异可能高达62%,Carloll居民每年支付500欧元,而Roscommon则支付800欧元。 The cost difference can be up to 62%, with Carlow residents paying about €500 annually compared to €800 in Roscommon. 地点和自然灾害风险等因素影响到这些成本。 Factors like location and risk of natural disasters influence these costs.