爱尔兰房价每年上涨9.7%,中位数为350 000欧元,超过了上一个高峰。 Irish house prices jump 9.7% yearly, hitting a median of €350,000, surpassing previous peak.
爱尔兰房价在过去一年里上涨了9.7%,都柏林增长10.4%,其他地区增长9.2%。 Irish house prices have surged by 9.7% over the past year, with Dublin seeing a 10.4% increase and other regions a 9.2% rise. 中位房价现为350 000欧元,超过了凯尔特虎时代的峰值。 The median home price is now €350,000, surpassing the peak of the Celtic Tiger era. 增长的驱动力是高需求、低供应以及利率降低和收入增长等因素。 The increase is driven by high demand, low supply, and factors like lower interest rates and income growth. 第一次购买者尤其受到影响,面临激烈的竞争和二手财产价格的上涨。 First-time buyers are particularly affected, facing intense competition and rising second-hand property prices.